Morgan's beast friend saved the day but was struck down by Machiste who assumed (as did Mariah) that it was a vicious carnivore. Fortunately when Morgan wept for it he broke the curse that had transformed a sorceress named Tanea into a beast as the price for magically saving her people. But I digress, let's get back to the peril. It all started with Morgan finding a .375 magnum shell after a dinosaur dropped dead very conveniently.
Morgan awoke to find himself facing Stryker, the sole survivor of the CIA agents who had tried to arrest him in Peru. It seemed Stryker had a grudge, more of an obsession really, concerning Morgan and had tracked him down looking for payback.
While badly wounded Morgan managed to kill Stryker and save his friends before collapsing from his injuries. It was touch and go for awhile but he survived his brush with death (possibly the first time DC depicted the Reaper as female) and the trio continued their travels. Until Morgan finally was passionately reunited with Tara and a heartbroken Mariah left in hurry followed by Machiste, They were reunited with Morgan later but that's another story.
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