One of the sillier looking threats Tara and Morgan faced on their quest was an artificial moon inhabited by aliens. To be more specific it was inhabited by Alien/Skartarisian hybrids as the aliens had been forced to use human mates to perpetuate their dying race. They offered the dubious honour of becoming part of the breeding program to Tara and Morgan but they declined. However some people can't take "NO!" for an answer.
All of which goes to show it's not a good idea to underestimate Tara. Or take her for granted as Morgan would learn sometime later. At any rate the moon ship blew up (though about 30 issues it would turn out Skartaris had a real moon after all) but Tara and Morgan escaped. However it turned out to be a case of out of the frying pan into the fire when they crashlanded in bad company.
It turned out that the absent leaders of the gang were Morgan's old travelling companions Machiste and Mariah. They fished Tara and Morgan out of the bear pit when they returned and joined him on the quest to kill Deimos again. But things didn't quite work out for them. Unknown to our heroes Deimos had created a clone of Joshua which he intended to use as a bargaining chip if his plans failed. He would kill the real Joshua then offer the clone in exchange for safe passage having the last laugh as only he would know it wasn't their real son. However Ashiya switched the kids and it was the clone that Deimos aged to manhood then sent to kill Morgan. Morgan shot the clone leaving everyone (except Ashiya) convinced that Morgan had indeed killed his own son. Ironically Morgan and Tara would meet their son again but none of the three would know he was their heir. Turning back the clock the griefstricken Morgan headed off on his own to mourn in solitude leaving Tara behind with Mariah and Machiste. A pretty rotten thing to do but the Warlord was always presented as a flawed hero. It would be some time before Morgan and Tara met again during which time he would meet and be travelling with his companion Shakira when they were reunited. This caused some friction as did the fact that Shamballah's Council of Elders was forcing Tara to marry Morgan's friend King Aram Al Ashir.Click here to learn more about the attempted Bigamy
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