Morgan's Angels : Tara - Page 5

     Morgan had first met Ashir when the prince was a thief and adventurer
looking to evade the responsibilities of his noble birth.  However after an
encounter with the Eye of Truth he had accepted his duty and returned home to
reclaim the throne of Kaambuka.  Later, after meeting Shakira, Morgan's
wanderings brought him to Kaambuka where he found an unhappy Ashir facing
both palace intrigue by those sorry to see him back and a marriage of state
his advisers were insisting on.  So it sounded like the perfect place for
Morgan to have some fun and adventure until he found out that Ashir's bride
to be was Tara.
     Morgan confronted her secretly to demand an explanation and learned that
Shamballah was still recovering from the damage caused by the insane Atlantean
central computer Morgan had destroyed.  As a result with the Therans getting
expansionist again (Deimos wasn't involved directly but his example seemed to
have inspired the current rulers) Shamballah needed allies.  With an alliance
with Kaambuka the Theran's would hopefully stay clear of Shamballah.  So with
her husband missing and since the marriage hadn't been performed in Shamballah
Tara's council declared it invalid and sent Tara to make an alliance with
Ashir through marriage.  Tara intended to try for a mutual defense pact
without the marriage as Ashir was known to be against getting married (no more
harem!) but feared he was rather taken with her and Morgan vowed that if
Ashir didn't listen to reason that friend or not he'd take his life.
     Unfortunately things suddenly took an unexpected turn.  Harrarh, the
leader of the faction seeking to overthrow Ashir, saw catching Tara and Morgan
together as an excellent opportunity to undermine the King.  

Fortunately while prowling the palace in search of mice Shakira had chanced to overhear Harrarh's plot.

If Morgan had kept his big mouth shut it could have been a happy ending.

Another consequence was that Tara stormed off without concluding the alliance with Kaambuka so the Therans invaded Shamballah. While Morgan made it through their lines into the city Tara wasn't quite so fortunate.

Which raised the question how was Morgan going to rescue Tara from the Theran Army?

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