Since the Therans didn't know they held the Queen of Shamballah at least Morgan didn't have to worry about them using her as a hostage. He came up with the idea of breaking the siege by sending troops swimming through the now flooded ruins of the computer complex beneath the city to flank the Therans. Of course they'd have to go unarmoured which was going to complicate things. Plus for them to reach a good position to strike with maximum effect the Therans had to be distracted. Morgan had blasted his way into the city using an ancient Atlantean laser weapon which was now exhausted but again the Therans didn't know that so he tried a bluff.
Seeing a signal arrow that showed the men were in position Morgan quickly dispatched Brador but the Shamballan warcry complicated things.
The Therans were defeated and Morgan used the victory to throw away his cursed sword Hellfire. He was finally reunited with Tara but it didn't last. As Tara had known it wouldn't but Morgan still refused to acknowledge. She had known from the start that their happiness would be brief. There was a wanderlust in his soul and she knew that even her love could not hold him for long ... No, she had never expected her love to hold him for long. But somehow ... he had! - Warlord 43 So the pattern of their relationship continued and still does according to 1992's Warlord miniseries "Ballard". One final observation. During Mike Grell's tenure as cover artist Tara never appeared in the traditional Damsel in Distress role. Oh she'd often be facing danger but never waiting on someone else to rescue her, For that we had to wait until long after the comic had been passed on to (IMHO) lesser talents among DC's writers.
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