Given Morgan's recklessness it's a good thing Shakira was often there to help him out. For example there was the time he tried to bust an unusual bronco ...Actually he was a centaur rather than a Titan and she soon turned the tables on him, forcing him to help her rescue Morgan from the Medusa wannabe who ruled the palace he had landed on. Not long after that Shakira was the one who saved the day after they fell victim to a seemingly friendly robot custodian charged with maintaining an Atlantean Armoury.
While Shakira left it behind after blasting Agravar that gun would turn up again. After Morgan tried and failed to break through the Theran army surrounding Shamballah (despite Sharika's advice that it was an impossible task) she retrieved the weapon so he could make another attempt which succeeded. While the weapon was exhausted getting him into the city it still enabled Morgan to bluff the Therans so he could rescue Tara. The last time we saw Shakira was at the end of the 1992 The Warlord mini series titled "Ballard". Having defeated Deimos for one final time Morgan once again rode away from his home and responsibilities seeking adventure with a certain black cat perched on his shoulder.
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